ARMF 2015 Report
We were truly blessed with a very successful year. Thanks to our many donors and fantastic fund raising events, we were able to dispersed monies to many areas that we support in the Moravian Church in Cuba. Also, our brothers and sisters in Cuba would like for you to know how much they too, appreciate not only your gifts but your continued prayers.
We had teams travel down in May and Nov. to access needs and assist with projects. The blessings that our churches have experienced has been truly amazing. Our brothers and sisters in Cuba have faced many hardships in the past, but thanks to you they see a bright future ahead for the church and its members. We had one major goal to complete and thanks be to God this was accomplished.
Other areas visited, or supported:
We were very pleased with the success of the events we held. Without these, supporting our cause would be nearly impossible.
Thanks to the following:
Goals for 2016:
So as you see 2016 proves to be a very challenging yet optimistic year. We intend to have some projects available for teams to go down and assist our friends. Working alongside them has proven to build such everlasting relationships.
Again: without you, our donors, none of this would have been possible.
We are working on an aggressive and fun 2016 for fund raising events.
Cellar 4201 Event Apr. 30th
Cuban Dinner TBA
Golf Tourney Details Pending
Art Show/Social Bethlehem Details Pending
10K Event Details Pending
We are already booking speaking engagements so if you know anyone wanting to hear more about our work please contact us.
The foundation was able to disburse over $20,000.00 to directly assist in our many projects. The foundation does NOT provide any team members for their individual expenses. All team members are responsible for their own expenses.
We strive to keep foundation operation expenses as low as possible. Administration/operation cost for 2015 ran 1.6% of total funds raised.
Disbursements for 2015
Travel and Clothing 1,319.64
Santayana (Operations) 200.00
Farm 900.00
Water System 1,906.41
Bethlehem (Operations) 605.77
Education Materials 491.05
Mount Sion (Operations) 200.00
New Building Project 200.00
Jaguey Grande (Operations) 200.00
Farm 700.00
Obed 250.00
Youth 85.38
Mayabecque (Operations) 200.00
Moravian Church Headquarter
Building and Mant. 2,800.00
Education materials 1,261.63
Mission Travel
Fuel, Vehicle Lease, Driver, Baggage for Donations 5,268.00
Comenius House 2,150.00
Centro Medico Psicopedagogico Hospital 476.66
Youth Camp 1,087.13
Total 20,301.67
We were truly blessed with a very successful year. Thanks to our many donors and fantastic fund raising events, we were able to dispersed monies to many areas that we support in the Moravian Church in Cuba. Also, our brothers and sisters in Cuba would like for you to know how much they too, appreciate not only your gifts but your continued prayers.
We had teams travel down in May and Nov. to access needs and assist with projects. The blessings that our churches have experienced has been truly amazing. Our brothers and sisters in Cuba have faced many hardships in the past, but thanks to you they see a bright future ahead for the church and its members. We had one major goal to complete and thanks be to God this was accomplished.
- The Moravian Church Headquarters/Worship Center (Bethlehem Moravian) was completed and dedicated Sunday Nov. 13th. Our team of Joe Jarvis, Bruce Ledwith, Evon Crooks, Ron Vogler and Bishop Sam Gray had the pleasure of attending the dedication. Message delivered by Sam Gray. Under the supervision of Armando and his team, a building in need of repairs has been turned into a beautiful worship center.
Other areas visited, or supported:
- John Amos Comenius House
- Centro Medico Psicopedagogico Hospital (Jaguey Grande)
- Baptisms in Holguin
- Farms
- Clean water system for a village where one of our churches is located.
- Personal visits to members home.
- Seminary in Matanzas
- Cuban National Council of Churches
- Interdenominational Festival for World Peace
- Summer Youth Camp
We were very pleased with the success of the events we held. Without these, supporting our cause would be nearly impossible.
- March 28th Cellar 4201 (East Bend, NC) located some 20 minutes from WS. Some 140 people in attendance. Music, Food, Door Prizes & Wine.
- August 22th Authentic Cuban Dinner: Thanks to our own board member “Chef” Alina Ricardo and Earl & Cindy Wall for providing their beautiful home we had a huge success.
- Sept. New Philadelphia Moravian was so gracious to let us hold a fund raiser for three Sundays in a row to support our clean water project. Again we surpassed our goal.
- Jan. 25 Home Moravian Sunday School Hour
- Feb. 8th Kernersville Moravian Mission Sermon
- Mar. 22nd Hopewell Moravian Sermon
- March 8th Friedberg Brothers Fellowship
- Apr. 8th Maggie Styers Mission Chapter (Fairview Moravian)
- May 1st-12th Team to Cuba (Joe Jarvis, Bruce Ledwith, Evon Crooks, Sam Gray)
- June 4th Salemtowne Presentation
- June 14th Moments in Missions New Philadelphia
- July 26th Salem Creek RCC
- Aug. 4th Board of Elders Clean Water Presentation (New Philadelphia Moravian)
- Aug. 9th New Philadelphia Mission Committee Presentation
- Aug. 20th-Sept. 1st Armando Visit (New Phil., Home, Olivet) Bethlehem, Washington DC, Winston-Salem Dash Baseball game
- August 22nd Fund Raising Dinner
- Sept. 15th Moments in Missions New Philadelphia
- Oct. 3rd Men’s Breakfast New Philadelphia Moravian
- Oct.4th West Side Moravian Sermon
- Oct. 11 Fairview Moravian Sermon
- Oct 15th Open Door Lunch New Philadelphia Moravian
- Oct. 23rd Met with Sunnyside Ministries
- Nov. 13-24 Team to Cuba (Joe Jarvis, Bruce Ledwith, Evon Crooks, Sam Gray, Ron Vogler)
- Nov. 30th Sertoma Club of WS
Thanks to the following:
- Home Moravian Mission (Paper Shredding)
- Mission Society Southern Province
- New Philadelphia Mission Committee
- Maggie Styers Missionary Chapter (Fairview Moravian)
- New Friendship Class (New Philadelphia Moravian)
- Advent Class (New Philadelphia Moravian)
- Salem Creek RCC
- Numerous circles, Sunday School Classes & Individuals
Goals for 2016:
- The John Amos Comenius House is making good progress with the renovations. Thanks to the Moravian Church in the Netherlands for their purchase of the house. We are currently working closely with Armando Rusindo and Iraide Castro (Cuban Moravian Church Board Member) and their team of carpenters to have this facility ready for dedication this spring.
- Farms are such an important area for our churches in Jaguey Grande and Santayana. Their goal is twofold: Provide food to the needy and to sell to individuals to raise funds for the church. Funds were provided to a goat herd, including fencing, equipment, & supplies.
- As many of you know worship is held in houses (except at the headquarters building) Services are overflowing with people. Even out into the streets in some cases. Sunday School Classes split up to meet in any area of the house possible. Be it kitchen, bedrooms or dens. For them to grow they need a larger more permanent building. During our visit in Nov. we have accessed the needs and have found 2 houses that prove to be the right fit. One in Jaguey Grande and the other in Santayana. We have an offer on the house in Jaguey and are waiting to hear from the owner. Afterwards there will be renovations and improvements to be made. The house will be purchased in the name of the Moravian Church in Cuba as are the headquarters and Comenius House. In Holguin we are helping with the financing of the building of a pavilion for their churches worship center.
- Those of you that have been to Cuba know that transportation is difficult and not dependable. Our churches are located form Havana to Guantanamo a distance of over 600 miles. When Armando or any visiting team has to make these journeys, it is very expensive. Our goal is to purchase a van for these needs.
- Centro Medico Psicopedagogico is a hospital for the severely mental and physical challenged people. This is a project that is dear to the hearts of the church in Jaguey Grande. We are closely involved with Pastor Obed Martinez and his church in this area.
- One of our churches is located in the village of Santayana. Water is highly contaminated with bacteria. We will continue to install water systems to provide them with clean water.
So as you see 2016 proves to be a very challenging yet optimistic year. We intend to have some projects available for teams to go down and assist our friends. Working alongside them has proven to build such everlasting relationships.
Again: without you, our donors, none of this would have been possible.
We are working on an aggressive and fun 2016 for fund raising events.
Cellar 4201 Event Apr. 30th
Cuban Dinner TBA
Golf Tourney Details Pending
Art Show/Social Bethlehem Details Pending
10K Event Details Pending
We are already booking speaking engagements so if you know anyone wanting to hear more about our work please contact us.
The foundation was able to disburse over $20,000.00 to directly assist in our many projects. The foundation does NOT provide any team members for their individual expenses. All team members are responsible for their own expenses.
We strive to keep foundation operation expenses as low as possible. Administration/operation cost for 2015 ran 1.6% of total funds raised.
Disbursements for 2015
Travel and Clothing 1,319.64
Santayana (Operations) 200.00
Farm 900.00
Water System 1,906.41
Bethlehem (Operations) 605.77
Education Materials 491.05
Mount Sion (Operations) 200.00
New Building Project 200.00
Jaguey Grande (Operations) 200.00
Farm 700.00
Obed 250.00
Youth 85.38
Mayabecque (Operations) 200.00
Moravian Church Headquarter
Building and Mant. 2,800.00
Education materials 1,261.63
Mission Travel
Fuel, Vehicle Lease, Driver, Baggage for Donations 5,268.00
Comenius House 2,150.00
Centro Medico Psicopedagogico Hospital 476.66
Youth Camp 1,087.13
Total 20,301.67