Year to date we have supported projects in Cuba with over 40,000.00.
- Supplement of church budget.
- Computer and phone for church pastors.
- Hospital in Jaguey Grande, Matanzas, Cuba.
- Guantanamo Moravian Daycare.
- Water system design and build to be sent to many communities.
- Youth Camp.
- Disaster relief from Hurricane Ian in Eastern Cuba.
- Hurricane Idalia Relief. Supporting 50 families with food.
- Greenhouse for the farm in Santayana, Cuba.
We depend on individuals, churches, and grants for our donations to support the many projects we support. A big thank you goes to the BWM as we have partnered on several projects over the years.
Currently we have several financial needs.
- Hurricane season is with us and no doubt we will be supporting areas of disaster.
- Our water system design is finished and ready to be shipped to several needed areas. Each system will cost around 4,000.00
- Food and medical supplies.
In closing, please keep our brothers and sisters whom we support in your prayers as you consider a gift to a specific or general fund.
We consider it to be a blessing to have such wonderful friends from the foundation.
God Bless.
Joe Jarvis